Do you love binge-watching television? Here’s why you’re not alone and some great shows to get you hooked on
I am a massive fan of Binge-Watching television, and I think it must have something to do with the fact I like to be in control. However, I can justify my reasoning as I love to get involved in the show and the story’s characters. I have my idea of what they should do and how each character will react in any situation. I like the predictability of the show’s premise, and it is comforting. When I work all day, I want entertainment. I don’t want to overthink, and I don’t want to be yelled at or told what I should think or do.
Take, for example, Supernatural. I have watched this series 15 times. I know this because there have been 15 seasons. The first five seasons were ‘page turners’. As the last episode of the previous season started, the next DVD was ready to be inserted into the DVD player.
Let’s Talk Supernatural Numbers
Supernatural had 15 seasons, and each season had circa 22 episodes. That is 320 episodes in total. Every time a new season was released, I had to return to the first season and start afresh. That is fine until you get to season 13 onwards. It means that it takes months to get to the new season.
The loss in Binge-Watching

The problem with binge-watching is that you suffer a loss once the show is over. First, there is Shock and Denial. Why did the show finish? Will they make another one? What are the actors doing now? What do I watch now? You then spend a few hours on google researching the actors, watching the bloopers and finally accepting the show is over. That empty feeling of what now finally kicks in. Goodbye, my friends. You never knew me, but I knew you, and I miss you already. The DVD goes back into the cupboard.
Looking for a new show
Then there is the pain of looking for something else to watch. It’s difficult. TV is so dull. It’s either news, game shows or reality TV. I don’t think I have watched regular television in years. If there is something I may like, I tend to record the show so I can watch what I want and fast forward the bits I don’t wish to watch. Investing in a new series is tricky as you know the investment you are about to put into the show is enormous.
After supernatural, I selected Criminal Minds. I watched three seasons in a row. I couldn’t face another episode of the brutal murder of a woman just because a man had a plan to do as much damage to another human being as possible. It made me feel very sad, and my worldview temporarily changed. I watched the entire series of The Big Bang Theory to wipe Criminal Minds from my memory.
Mistakes when selecting the Wrong Show
Choosing the wrong series is devastating, as selecting a show will be a significant part of your viewing life for months. Picking the wrong show makes you wish for the previous one to start over. The show becomes a friend; the characters are best mates and comfortable.
I moved on from Supernatural and The Big Bang Theory to Midsummer Murders. Twenty-two seasons, that’s 129 and today, I caught myself referring to the show as ‘Our normal reliable show’. I am on season 22, so there are only a few episodes left, and then the search will start over. Once you find a suitable series, it’s like welcoming a close friend over for tea.
How to select a new show
I have several criteria when selecting a new TV show; the first is that the women have to be intelligent, independent and will never trip over a twig running away. I can’t bear pathetic women on TV shows.
Binge-watching TV is slowly becoming the new normal TV viewing. Indeed, Netflix and Amazon Prime have the science down to a tea. Just as one show finishes, you have 10 seconds to decide if you will watch the next episode. The show has piqued your interest, and before you know it, it’s 1 am, and you have to be at work in 5 hours. If, for any reason, your mind wonders, the show could have started.
Why do we Binge-Watch Television?
This binge-watching (the new word of the year in 2015) leaves people with a hit of dopamine, the feel-good chemical. We human beings take comfort from familiarity, from the constant sensation of dopamine, and we want more of that feeling. The need to have that feel good and exciting feeling is a massive driving force and we don’t want to be shocked. We want friendly and we want to tune in and out of the show and know we are not missing anything. We want nice, which is very different from person to person.
For example, I can’t stand zombies. The movies leave me cold. I can’t see the point of them. A lot of dead people walk around slowly dripping blood. You see nothing at all. However, a friend of mine loves them. They can’t get enough of them. Selecting our TV shows thus can become rather tricky.
Binge-watching Television, my Recommendations
Having written about some of my binge-watching television habits, I thought I should give you some of my recommendations. This list is not definitive and will change over the weeks and months, especially as new shows are online. However, as it stands today, this is my list of binge-watching television shoes I would recommend.
- Supernatural – Always, and the first show anyone should binge-watch
- Broadchurch – fantastic and a 1 am show
- Doctor Who – Has to be on any list
- Midsummer Murders – You diff entry don’t want to move there. It is the murder capital of the world, but in a very British middle-class kind of way.
- Aliens – all the movies, a bag of popcorn and chocolates and your set.
- Harry Potter – Good escape movie
- Blakes Seven – The scenery may wobble, and the acting is just as wobbly, but a good watch.
- Carry on movies – a feel-good set of movies
- Endeavour – the prequel to Morse. Slow and stays slow, but worth a watch
- Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel – maybe two shows, but it’s one in my mind
Services offering Binge-Watching Television
Most of these television services require a monthly fee, but you may be interested in finding out what shows they have to offer:
- Amazon prime
- Netflix
- Apple TV
- Britbox
- Sky
In Conclusion to binge-watching television
I prefer to binge-watch television shows. It puts me in control of the television and what is playing. I don’t have to watch adverts, and I can watch the show at my convince and pause whenever I like. Have you watched any of the shows, I have mentioned? If you have any suggestions of shows you think would be worth investing in, please note them below. I would love to hear your thoughts.
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