What is Feminism and is it important
.A woman should be equal to a man in every area of life. At its core, this is what feminism is. Feminism discusses several ideas and equality for both genders in various aspects including economic status or cultural life – but most importantly on an interpersonal level where they can break free from traditional roles which oftentimes advantage one sex over another (typically male). The basic theory behind this movement “Feminists want us all – indeed every human being–to live freely without restrictions based upon gender.”
With such a basic and broad definition of what Feminism is, it is hardly surprising that the understanding and narrative portrayed by women about ‘being a feminist and feminism is diverse and caused controversy among women and men alike.
Social Media and Feminism
The popularity of Social Media can demonstrate the diversity and potential misunderstanding of what feminism is. For the first time in history women and men are free to use their image
And publish that image in a manner that they chose and at a time of their choosing. For example, in the United States of America, Europe and Australasia, some women/feminists believe it is their right to take photographs of themselves topless and post the image on social media. It is these women, who have become social media celebrities, for example, Kim Kardashian, who use their sexuality to sell products and aspirational lifestyles. With millions of followers, all applauding them for their freedom, and freedom of expression and speech.
Are we all equal?
Other women, in the same countries, believe this is not feminism and brings feminism into disrepute. They believe that the image of a topless woman is a method of portraying female sexuality in a male-dominated environment. This image is not that of freedom of equality but a collaboration of female subligation even though the individual takes the image. The image is the male ideal of what a woman should be and how they should act and be available to him.
At the same time, women in some countries are fighting for the right to an education. They fight for the ability to walk the streets without being attacked. Without lude comments and being independent. Human slavery is increasing. Women’s rights to freedom of movement removed by law and voluntary curfews. In the papers on the 8 March 2017, a 14-year-old girl
had been given a total of £0.40 to attach a bomb to her body by terrorists. She then became a human bomb and died. An Indonesian woman publically flogged. Her crime? As a single woman, she was in close proximity to a man.
Personal Perspective on Feminism
Feminism is a broad issue and will mean different things to different people. This definition varies depending on your current lifestyle, where you live and your economic background. As a middle-class European being treated equally to a man in the workplace is vital. Additionally, the right to voice your opinions and own your own image is important in society. The right to take a photograph of yourself and determine the distribution of that image is a right you have. In other countries, such as Indonesia, feminism is the right to walk the street and talk to a man without being flogged to death!
In conclusion
Women’s history is the struggle to gain equal rights. In the UK, USA and Australia women have benefited from our predecessor’s struggles. We have rights because of their struggle, efforts and diligence. However, many other countries are now fighting for the rights we take for granted. Moreover, the rights we take for granted today are the same as those we have in the future. We need to remember our past to secure our present and our future.
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